• Conditional registration for historic vehicles (30 years and older) is the Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS). The HVS was developed by the TFNSW in consultation with the Council of Heritage Motor Clubs and other peak bodies. 
  • Conditional registration for modified older vehicles under the NSW Classic Vehicle Scheme is available through the CHMC as an TFNSW Approved Organisation, see Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS) 
  • A summary and comparison of the HVS and CVS schemes is on our Vehicle Registration page.
  • See also HVS FAQs below. The TFNSW website Historic Vehicles page provides information on the HVS and the forms required for eligible vehicle registration. CHMC affiliated clubs also provide information on HVS, and the CHMC Registration Liaison Officer assists with enquiries and issues.
  • Issues of the CHMC's bulletin DINKUM OIL regularly update clubs and members on correct HVS and CVS matters, as provided to Council by TfNSW. Read DINKUM OIL back issues


  • You must be a financial member of a club recognised by the TFNSW for the Historic Vehicle Scheme, ALL CHMC clubs are TFNSW recognised clubs..
  • Your vehicle must be 30 years of age or older as from the year of manufacture.
  • Your vehicle must be close to manufacturers original specifications, period correct options and some safety items eg. indicators are permitted (for registration for more modified older vehicles with the CHMC see Classic Vehicle Scheme )
  • Left Hand Drive conversions - vehicles with a left-hand (LHD) to right-hand drive (RHD) conversion CAN be registered in the HVS. An factsheet and the TFNSW webpage for Historic Vehicles provide further information. Applications for new HVS registrations should produce certification documentation to support the Historic Vehicle Declaration for a vehicle with a left-hand drive to right-hand drive conversion." RMS18.706 
  • Certified LPG conversions are allowed.
  1. Complete an Application for Conditional Registration and a Historic Vehicle Declaration (1259 Form) which must be signed and stamped by an official of your TFNSW recognised club and a Historic Vehicle Declaration also signed by an official of your historic vehicle club
  2. Present these completed documents in person to a Service NSW centre for processing. If your club requires it you may also need to have an Safety Inspection report (pink slip) completed by an authorised inspection station. Your will also need to provide to the Service NSW office proof of identity such as a NSW driver licence AND proof of registration entitlement (eg an original receipt for the vehicle, which clearly shows the buyer’s name, the seller’s name, address and signature, the VIN or Chassis/frame or serial number and the date of acquisition)
  3. If you wish to operate your vehicle under the Log Book system (see details below) you will need to indicate this to the Service NSW staff member processing your registration and they will provide you with a signed Log Book form - ensure that they sign and date this form.

HVS Registrations are NOT TRANSFERABLE - if a currently HVS registered vehicle changes ownership its plates must be surrendered to the TFNSW and a new registration application completed and new conditional plates will be assigned to the vehicle by service NSW. If you change clubs during during the currency of the conditional registration, an Historic Vehicle Declaration proving vehicle and operator eligibility for the new club is required by the TFNSW.

DRAFT ONLY The RMS/TfNSW list of OPTIONS, ACCESSORIES AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT for HVS vehicles (issued Nov 26 2020) is a DRAFT FOR CLUB DISCUSSION -  https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/.../period-options-accessories...The RMS has asked that Clubs please use the List simply as a discussion document. TfNSW/RMS is re-considering the List following determined representations by the CHMC and a number of our clubs. If clubs wish to discuss further please contact the CHMC RMS Liaison Officer, Peter Wright, or comment direct to the RMS at industryengagement@rms.nsw.gov.au


  • Any person who is the holder of the appropriate licence can legally drive a conditionally registered vehicle. They DO NOT have to be the operator/owner and they DO NOT have to be a member of a recognised historic vehicle club.
  • Historic vehicles can be used for events organised by recognised historic vehicle clubs,OR
  • Events for which official invitation has been recorded by the club as an a event or a run in the club's Minutes, or 'Day Book'.
  • HVS vehicles in the LOG BOOK system may be used for 60 days of general use (i.e. personal not commercial, trade or work use) each year, outside of and in addition to club approved events. Each day’s use must be recorded in the log book issued by the TFNSW via Service for NSW. For further information see Log Book 
  • Historic vehicles can also be used on a road or road related area for:
    • Servicing within a short distance from their place of garaging
    • The inspection of the vehicle.
      For longer journeys the operator must notify their club so details are recorded in the official Minutes or 'Day Book'.
  • HVS registered vehicles MAY NOT be used for commercial purposes
  • If undertaking passenger transport services i.e. for weddings or other such functions historic vehicles and their driversare required to comply with the Point to Point Transport (Taxis and Hire Vehicles) legislation

   Historic Vehicle Scheme FAQs

Q: What is the HVS? The HVS is a conditional registration scheme that permits limited use of eligible historic vehicles on public roads. The limited use condition in the scheme allows the TFNSW to offer HVS registration with a concession on cost compared to normal registration. The HVS supports the aim of the heritage vehicle movement in that occasional use will "promote and encourage the restoration and preservation of motor vehicles that are thirty years of age or older." The HVS has three main requirements. 1. The vehicle must be as close to original manufacturer's specifications as possible  except for safety features such as seat belts and turn indicators or period accessories and options if desired. 2. The registered operator of the vehicle must remain a financial member of an TFNSW Approved Historic Vehicle Club for the full period of registration. 3. The TFNSW Approved Club must declare the vehicle is roadworthy at the time of establishing or renewing registration and meets the eligibility criteria for the HVS.

Q: Can a vehicle assembled from old vehicle parts be registered for use on public roads? Yes. The vehicle may be eligible for registration in the HVS but if it does not comply with HVS eligibility, then full (normal) TFNSW registration is available. Either way the vehicle must successfully pass a roadworthiness inspection before it can be used on public roads.

Q: Is a vehicle assembled from old vehicle parts eligible for HVS registration? Only if all of the parts, when assembled together, complete a vehicle that meets the specifications for make, model and year of manufacture claimed for the vehicle. Only alternative parts recommended in factory issued service bulletins for that model can be used in the assembly.

Q: What does "no alterations except for safety features such as seat belts and turn indicators or period accessories and options if desired", mean for Historic Vehicles? "Period accessories" are accessories offered by the original vehicle manufacturer for that year model or after-market accessories available at the time new vehicles of that year model were offered for sale by the manufacturer. "Options" are alternative choices offered by the manufacturer to define the vehicle specification for a version of a particular model. Typically, options include paint, trim, engine, gearbox, differential and wheels."Seat belts and turn indicators" are alterations acceptable to the TFNSW, remember seat belts must meet Australian Standards and fitting. It is compulsory to signal intentions when using public roads. Hand signals are not understood by a large proportion of other road users who are only familiar with flashing indicators. Neither seat belts nor turn indicators are mandatory for HVS eligibility if the vehicle was not fitted with those devices as original equipment.

Q: There are well-known modifications to make heritage vehicles safer and more reliable. The TFNSW established the HVS with a clear and simple eligibility guideline that "the vehicle must be as close to original specification as possible...".

The TFNSW acknowledged that the safety and reliability inherent in historic vehicles of original specification is satisfactory for limited use on public roads. In setting the eligibility guideline for the HVS the TFNSW acknowledges that the historic vehicle movement itself rather than the TFNSW organisation has the knowledge and skills necessary to determine the specification and roadworthiness of historic vehicles. The HVS is a self-regulating scheme so the users, that is the members of TFNSW Approved historic vehicle clubs, are expected to ensure the eligibility criteria and other requirements are met.

Q: But almost every vehicle on HVS has some sort of modification or alteration. Why are they acceptable? During restoration and preservation of historic vehicles some minor alterations may be necessary to suit parts availability. Such examples are:

  • Engine: modern alloy pistons in lieu of cast iron, hardened valves and seats to reduce regression with unleaded petrol.
  • Brakes: non asbestos lining material.
  • Stainless steel sleeves in master cylinder and wheel cylinders, neoprene cups in lieu of rubber.
  • Tyres: replace original cross ply tyres with radial ply tyres of the same size.
  • Lights: halogen replacement bulbs for extra brightness.
  • Electrical: conversion from 6V to 12V, replacing generator with an alternator.
  • Minor alterations that do not change the original appearance or performance of the vehicle are normally acceptable.

Each club is responsible for certifying that a historic vehicle signed off by the club for HVS registration meets the TFNSW’s eligibility requirements.

Q: What does self-regulating HVS mean in practical terms? Self-regulating means that the users of the scheme regulate the scheme. Club committees, inspecting officers and members must uphold the eligibility criteria AND operators of HVS vehicles must ensure the conditions for road use are adhered to, including evidence confirming the vehicle is engaged in bona fide club event is carried in the vehicle when travelling on public roads.

Q: What is the risk to self-regulation? If diligent HVS self-regulation is not practised by the historic vehicle movement the historic vehicle movement will be seen as unable to manage its own affairs. The risk is that the TFNSW will take over regulation and recover the associated cost by increasing fees.

Q: Is club membership synonymous with HVS eligibility? No, not necessarily. HVS eligibility must comply with the criteria set down in the TFNSW Historic Vehicle Policy. A Historic Vehicle Club is a liberty to set other criteria outside those of the Policy when defining eligibility criteria for Club Membership.

Q: What is the difference between a Primary Club and a Secondary Club? A Primary Club is the club that signs the declaration of eligibility and roadworthiness [TFNSW 1259 form] for the HVS registered vehicle. A Secondary Club is any other TFBNSW Approved Club where the vehicle's registered operator is also a financial member.